Cloud vs Data Center: What is the difference?

Many people may be confused about what cloud computing is and what is the data center. Many people often asked the question, "Is a Cloud is a Data center?","Is a data center a cloud?" 

Maybe Know that your company needs the cloud and a data center. And you also know that your data center needs the cloud and vice versa. But you don't know why! Don't worry This post will help you fully understand the two terms and tell you the difference between the cloud and the data center. Let's start with your definition first.


Cloud vs Data Center: What’s the Difference

Cloud vs Data Center: What Are They?

The term "data center" can be mentioned in many ways. First, an organization can run an internal data center maintained by trained IT employees whose job is to keep the system running. Second, it can refer to an external storage center consisting of servers and other equipment necessary to keep stored data accessible both virtual and physical.

While the term "cloud" or "cloud computing" did not exist before the advent of the Internet. Cloud computing changes the way companies work. Instead of storing data locally on a company's network or a personal computer, cloud computing involves the distribution of data and shared resources through secure and central remote platforms.

Instead of using a company's own servers, it places its resources in the hands of an external organization that offers that service.


Read also: 9 Major Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Cloud vs Data Center in Security

Since the cloud is an external aspect of computing, it may be less safe or require more work to make sure secure than a data center. Unlike data centers, where you are responsible for your own security, you will hand over your data to a third-party provider that may or may not have the most up-to-date security certifications. 

If your cloud is placed at different data centers at different locations, each location also needs the right measures to guarantee security.

A data center is also physically connected to a local network, making it easier to ensure that only those with company-approved credentials and equipment have access to stored apps and information. However, the cloud is accessible to anyone with the right data wherever there is an internet connection. This opens up a wide range of entry and exit points, all of which must be protected to ensure that data sent to and from these points is secure.

Cloud VS Data Center in Cost

For most small businesses, rather than a data center, cloud computing is a more cost-effective option.

Because when you choose a data center, you must build an infrastructure from the beginning and will be responsible for your own maintenance and administration. In addition, a data center takes much longer to start and can cost companies between $ 10 and $ 25 million per year to operate and maintain.

Unlike a data center, cloud computing does not require time or capital to start working. Instead, most cloud computing providers offer a range of affordable subscription plans to meet customers' budgets and scale the service to their real needs. And data centers take time to build, while cloud services are available for use almost immediately after registration.


In the future, cloud computing services will be increasingly attractive with a convenient and low-cost service. It creates a new way to facilitate collaboration and access to information across large geographical distances while reducing costs. Therefore, compared to cloud computing in front of the data center, the future of cloud computing is definitely much brighter.

If you want to know more about Cloud vs Data Center, then Cloud Computing training in Chandigarh is best for you.